We are Church

We are Church

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Believers Baptism, Baby Dedication Part 2

Laying on of Hands


     Pastor Linda continues her series of sermons about the ordinances of the Church of the Brethren.

     The priesthood of all believers is the Church of the Brethren. Clergy and laity are not separated. The HOLY WORD is our creed. Communion is what is in your heart. Baptism is an outward sign of what is in your heart. But what about babies? Children are under special grace. They are conceived of sin, but innocent of sin. Child dedication is a time for parents to recommit their own baptismal vows. Baptism and communion guarantees you nothing. It is in what is in your heart that brings you salvation.

      The laying on of hands is about the praying that Gods gift, or will be done. It is to remind you of Gods calling of your life. Jesus Christ is the only way to receive the Holy Spirit, as long as you ask for it. You do not receive the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands, but affirming that the gift is already given.

      Through scripture Jesus calls us to live as courageous disciples in word and action.