We are Church

We are Church

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Curious minds would like to know...

Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers

Country.........Page Views            For your information:

United States..................1553                     To the left you will see a list of countries and a  number.
                                                                 This is the number of times our little blog from Thurmont,
Russia.................................93                  Maryland, USA has been viewed, and from what country.
                                                                 The blog site stat page will only show the top ten
Germany............................66                   countries. Many countries have viewed us once or  twice,
                                                                  and moved on. It is the people that stay, from  around
Ecuador..............................21                   the world, and listen to our message every week, that I am
                                                                  amazed by.
United Kingdom................19                       I wonder about the story of these people. Are they US
                                                                  military, deployed overseas? Are they students, overseas
Cayman Islands.................19                   for a year or a semester? What are their occupations and
                                                                  lives about in their home country, and how did they
Algeria...............................11                   stumble upon us? What brings them back to our blog?
                                                                       I also wonder how many USA views are from people
France..................................5                   outside our church community? Where are they from and
                                                                  what brought them to our blog? Do they have a home
Italy.....................................4                    church? Are they homebound or do they work on Sunday
Indonesia.............................3                         If anyone, who enjoys our blog, would like to introduce themselves, you may send an e-mail to ThurmontChurchBrethren@Gmail.com. Tell us a little about yourself. How did you find our blog, and what brings you back?
   If anyone is in Thurmont, Maryland, USA, on a Sunday morning, you are welcome to join us for worship at 10:00 AM. We love seeing new faces.
Blessings  ~  Susan
P.S. ~ We are now on Facebook.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Lead On, O King Eternal

Sundays sermon came from Acts 2: 22-47.
Pastor Linda gave a wonderful sermon on how the loving kindness of God changes hearts and lives.
Proclaim God and reach out to the world.
We welcome our new members Barbara & Billy Wagner,
and we congratulate the Dayhoff family with the birth of Polly Jean.