We are Church

We are Church

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mid-Atlantic Chicken Canning Project

April 3, 2013

The nation's only truck mounted, portable meat-canning unit 
arrives in York, Pennsylvania for six days of operation in 
March and April each year. Three operators work together with 
volunteers from both Mid-Atlantic and PA Southern Districts 
of the Church of the Brethren to can nearly 60,000 pounds 
of chicken for distribution in both the U.S and outside 
the U.S., serving the needs of families in poverty. According 
to officials with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the 
canner is the only operational portable unit in the 
United States. During World War II, the Mennonites 
developed the concept to quickly feed European war-ravaged, 
hungry people. The canner and crew will travel to about 
30 locations in 11 states during the spring and summer months. 
If you are interested in serving in this vital outreach ministry,
please contact Joe Leach.

Monday, February 18, 2013

I am in aw.

 I am in aw. My first post to this Blog was on January 6, 2013, the first Sunday of 2013. I am amazed at how many people have found interest in Thurmont Church of the Brethren, and the preaching of God's message.  
As of this date, 601 pages have been viewed, mostly done so on the weekends. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
Our church community may listen, a second time, to Sundays sermon. Those that could not come to the church building on Sunday, may listen for the first time. The "Snow Birds", living south for the winter, may view events and listen to their home church sermon.
The message is also reaching beyond our little church community. Some may stumble upon us by accident, and if they listen to the message, I do not know. Some do listen, and return, like the person from Germany. It is amazing how the word of God, preached from Thurmont, Maryland, is reaching around the globe to Germany.
Many come here via thurmontchurchbrethren.blogspot.com. Some have found us via Facebook or Google+. Others may just web search something, and find us.
No matter how or why people find this blog, I hope the message of God is heard and enjoyed through the words of Pastors Linda, Becky, Steve, and Joanne.
This blog is another way to serve our purpose of "Making Christ Known, Loved, and Obeyed as God Equips and Empowers Us."
 FYI: Look for  Sundays new posts later on Sunday evenings.
P.S.- In the past 26 hours, since I first posted this Blog page, there have been 26 page views of our Blog.
I am still in aw.