I asked Pastor Linda if she would mind having her sermons go online, so that those that can not make it to Sunday service, may still hear her sermon. She was very open to the idea.
I am attempting to do this to benefit the whole church community. I would like to post a prayer list, an audio or video sermon or whole church service, a monthly calender, photographs, and what ever you may suggest to include. I want to make this all user friendly.
To contact Susan, the administrator of this site e-mail ThurmontChurchBrethren@Gmail.com.
*You may now hear the sermon by clicking the link below "Listen to the Sunday Service".
*You may keep updated to church activities, through this blog, by submitting your e-mail address.
*Keep up with the Church Calender, with a Gmail account. You may also add to and update the calender.
*We are social friendly with Google+. Just click the link.
* I will post a blog a week, with that weeks sermon.
*Add to and view the Prayer List